In the small rural community of Franklin, Kentucky, the Franklin-Simpson High School football team has a tradition of excellence. Each Friday night, the players wage war against their opponents on the gridiron with one goal in mind - winning. Can the Franklin-Simpson Wildcats make it to the state championship round this year?
Eighty-one-year-old Jim Henry has always lived life to the fullest. However, on June 6, 2017, Henry’s life changed forever when he experienced a series of debilitating strokes. While Henry grieves the loss of his former life, he is adapting to a new road he did not intend to travel.
Maya Angelou said, “Every journey begins with a single step.” For Michael Phelps, his journey with fishing began with the first cast he made as a child with his father on a dock at the Lake of the Ozarks near Versailles, Missouri. Phelps continues this father-son pastime with his sons on the pond banks and lakes of Kentucky. Phelps understands that it’s not fish he is after, it’s something much more significant
After the loss of her husband, 80-year-old Geneva Pierce found a way to keep his memory alive and continue the family business one board at a time.
On Friday, Dec. 10, 2021, a long-track tornado swept the western Kentucky region, claiming the lives of 80 people, according to Governor Andy Beshear. Its 165-mile path was the ninth-longest tornado path ever recorded in the U.S, causing up to $3.5 billion in damage, according to the National Weather Service. A year after the storm, some families are still coping with life-altering changes.

When the storm came, Gary and Barbara Morgan of Dawson Springs were in their home. Gary said in “30 seconds at most,” the tornado destroyed all but one room in their home and leveled their block, trapping them and killing three of their neighbors. After remaining trapped for hours, the two were eventually rescued, but the rest of their home was left in ruins.
In January 2022, Louise Krznarich was diagnosed with AML leukemia. Before being interviewed for this video, she underwent nine months of treatment at the Brown Cancer Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Two weeks later, Louise lost her battle with cancer on October 24, 2023.